Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Going to a free photography shoot

Today we were signed up at 12:45 for a 20-minute free photography session at Janet Klinger photography. Her studio is really well known in the area, and she is using the free sessions to train her associates. I eagerly glommed on to the opportunity to get more adorable pics of El Bebe. This was my morning timeline to make it to the shoot:

7:45am- Baby wakes up. We give him a shower to make sure he is nice and clean and fluffy for the shoot. (add one point)
8:15am- Breakfast: pureed blueberries and yogurt. (subtract one point)
8:45am- Wipe blueberry and yogurt residue off of face and hair (both mine and Parker's).
8:45-10am- Make sure baby does not gash head while cruising around the house prior to the photo shoot.
10am- Parker goes down on schedule for what should be a 2 hour nap. (add one point)
10:15am- I iron his outfit, and decide I should probably brush my own hair and get dressed, and maybe even put some makeup on for a change, since I may be in a couple of the shots too. (add one point)
11:15am- Parker wakes up from his nap 45 minutes early. I find him standing up in his crib for the first time. (subtract one point). 
11:30am- I decide to feed him some peaches so that he won't be hungry during the shoot. I don't let him touch anything and feed him directly from the spoon this time. (add one point)
11:45 am-Somehow he still manages to get peaches in his hair (subtract one point). When looking at the back of his head, I notice that his hair is sticking out, so I grab the scissors to give him a trim (subtract two points). He is mad. And now his hair is uneven at the back. Luckily I remember that there is Photoshop.   
12:05 pm- I figure out that he will probably want to nurse exactly during the photo shoot, so I nurse him early. While nursing, Parker reaches up and smears all the makeup on the left side of my face. (subtract one point).  
12:15 pm- While changing Parker's diaper to leave, I realize the bottom button is missing off my shirt. This is doubly distressing because I am both concerned about my expansive muffin top and also nervous that the button is somewhere on the floor, posing a choking hazard. I begin looking haphazardly for the button. No dice. (subtract two points)
12:30pm- I load Parker in the car, and look in the rear view mirror, only to realize that my eyebrows look like they are in need of a lawn mower. Dammit. Hopefully these guys are good at photoshop.
12:35pm- I arrive ten minutes early and they add the extra time into my free shoot (add two points).    

The shoot went relatively well I think, though the proof will be in the proofs! We shall see!


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