Wednesday, August 19, 2009


My i-photo has this neat feature that when you pull up the photos, it pulls the photos from the last 12 months. This has been fun ever since Parker's birthday, since the first photos are always what he looked like a year ago today. It is funny to me because his essence has always been the same to me ever since he was born, but when I look at the pictures, he looks SO different. And yet there is still a lot of Parker-ness in there when you look at his eyes and at his upper lip. I thought it was fun to compare these pics, almost a year to the day!

Friday, August 14, 2009

On firsts...and lasts

Last week was Parker's first birthday and I have to say, I found myself completely consumed with nostalgia the entire week. The Blue Angels were flying and I was remembering the exact sequence of events the year before, last time the Blue Angels were buzzing our home. With Scott I went through everything we were doing at that time last year: "This is when we realized I was in labor." "Now it's noon, by noon we were in the delivery room!" "This is when I was ready to start pushing!" "Now we were holding him, and remember how he was SO TIIINY???" My eyes start to sting even now when I think about how such a tiny guy could trigger such an overwhelming tidal wave of love on the day he first arrived into our world. Since then, there have been so many firsts- his first smile (6 weeks), his first laugh, his first airline flight (now he is up to his 6th!), his first time sitting up, eating solid food (avocado), first time crawling, first words, and on and on and on, now most recently his first birthday with his first official sugar high.

Less pronounced and noticeable than all the firsts have been all the "lasts." I've always found it interesting how firsts happen with a certain amount of fanfare, and sometimes photographic recall, but the lasts pass by almost imperceptibly at the time, until all of a sudden you realize that something you used to do or have is just over. I think that is why the nostalgia around his first birthday really caught me off guard, because besides being another big first, it was also a graduation of sorts, a time to look back at all these 'lasts'. I looked back at his tiny little outfits, and wondered, when was the last time he wore that? He's also outgrown some of his toys, like his jumperoo, which he loved so much for so many months. When was the last time he used it? Did I even notice? Which day exactly did he wake up and cross that divide from the tiny infant chubbalump I see in his old photos to this little pre-kindergarten boy that looks up at me now?

Then, just as my mind wheels on these questions, I take it a step further. I think about the things that I do with him now, things I love so much, and wonder how many more times I have left before he outgrows them. Like holding him in the rocker, fast asleep, feeling like a tea bag of love is steeping on my shoulder, and just soaking him up. Or snuggling in bed all together. When will be the last morning that we all do that as a family? Or just plain picking him up and carrying him around. When was the very last time my own mom carried me? Will I know to hug him for a few extra seconds before the last time I put him on the ground?

I'm not sure why I think this way exactly, or why catching these moments while they're happening would somehow feel better than remembering them in retrospect. I guess it's like when I was in Maui, and I tried unsuccessfully for about thirty minutes to drive underneath a rainbow. I found out that you can never really catch up to one. By nature, a rainbow is always either in front of you or behind you. But even if it was futile, just chasing it seemed to make its beauty last a little bit longer. I have a feeling that parenting is going to consist of a lot of trying to catch these moments of fleeting beauty, and, like fireflies in a jar, remembering not to keep them too long. I'll have to work on striking the balance between holding on and letting grow.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Enjoy it now

The other day Scott and I were at a playground with Parker and there was a beautiful little three year old girl playing in the area where Scott and I were sliding Parker down the slide. The mom walked over to us and asked "How old is he?" I answered, "He's ten months." 

She then started in on this mantra that I've heard all kinds of people say for years: "Oh, well you better enjoy it now. When he starts walking around and talking soon all he'll be saying is 'NO!NO!NO!'" So strange, I thought that it would be fun when I could talk with him! And also when I could shed my one Popeye arm that I've been developing by carrying him in my left arm while balancing 5 bags of groceries and a diaper bag in my right arm.  Apparently this is something that I should be dreading.

It is interesting though, because I've been hearing this at pretty much every life stage. Enjoy high school, because when you're in college, school will be much tougher. Enjoy college, because soon you'll have to go in the real world and get a job. Enjoy dating, because once you're married it'll totally change. Enjoy being married without kids, because once you have kids you'll never eat out anymore, enjoy sleeping now that you're pregnant, because after you have the baby you won't sleep anymore... and now, just when I have a baby in hand and I thought this ridiculousness was all over with, it's "Enjoy this newborn stage, they grow so fast! Enjoy it before he starts eating solids, after that it's really messy." "This is really the honeymoon stage before they talk, enjoy it!"  

As it turns out, I enjoyed college, then I enjoyed earning a salary and being out in the "real world." When Scott and I were dating we certainly had lot of fun, but being married is even more wonderful. Now that we have a baby I couldn't even have predicted the level of joy that I have everyday just watching him grow.

I looked up the etymology of the word enjoy. It comes from the Middle English enjoien, from Anglo-French enjoir, enjoier to gladden, enjoy, from en- + joie joy. From the french etymology it breaks down to be "in joy." So for all you random folks, I am taking half of your fantastic unsolicited advice. I am en-joying my life RIGHT NOW. And I'll en-joy myself later as well! 

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Scott's First Father's Day!

We had a great Father's Day celebration all day together, with Scott reveling in the joy of being a Dad. It is wonderful how much he's grown into the role and how much it really suits him.  I love seeing him bonded so closely with Parker, it's another amazing thing for us to have in common. 

I clipped together the photos and video snippets of Scott and Parker over the past 10 months and was able to make a cool multi-media slideshow on my Apple! I have to say I was a bit verklempt to see how much the little guy has grown in a short time. 

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hanging with Katie and her Grandma

Parker and I had a great day at Maple Valley visiting Katie's grandma at her cabin on the river. Today was the first day I really began experimenting with the camera settings, and I was really excited about how some of the photos came out! 

All these were taken with my 50mm lens with the aperture set at F 1.4, which creates that blurry effect that I like. 

Katie's grandma's house was filled with treasures: old children's book illustrations, a Mother Goose book from the 1930's, handmade quilts, and two baby outfits- one boy, one girl- that are designated for the great grandchildren that Katie will eventually bring to the cabin. Subtle, and very cute ;-). 


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Berry Paranoid

Today I gave Parker some strawberries for the first time, he really seemed to love them! I kept an eye on him because I had read that strawberries are a very allergenic food, and that you should only introduce after nine months. I felt comfortable with my one-month buffer though, and heck I ate so many strawberries when I was pregnant I thought he was going to come out red with green leafy hair. Anyway, he looked like he was doing ok while he was eating. Thirty minutes later, though, when we loaded him into the car and I looked at him under the daylight, I noticed these red blotches around his mouth and on his forehead. I was like "OH NO! He's having an allergic reaction!" Upon closer inspection, however, I realized that his hives were actually crusty strawberry juice that I hadn't wiped off well. Crisis averted. 

Parker and Max got to hang out again this weekend. It is so cute to see them together, they are getting so big! Check out the progression-

Parker 1 month, Max 1 week

Here they are about 4 months-

Now Parker at 10 months, Max at 9 months

Such cute little dudes. Here is Parker with his other buddy Xabi, before & now: 

~5 months

9 months


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Going to a free photography shoot

Today we were signed up at 12:45 for a 20-minute free photography session at Janet Klinger photography. Her studio is really well known in the area, and she is using the free sessions to train her associates. I eagerly glommed on to the opportunity to get more adorable pics of El Bebe. This was my morning timeline to make it to the shoot:

7:45am- Baby wakes up. We give him a shower to make sure he is nice and clean and fluffy for the shoot. (add one point)
8:15am- Breakfast: pureed blueberries and yogurt. (subtract one point)
8:45am- Wipe blueberry and yogurt residue off of face and hair (both mine and Parker's).
8:45-10am- Make sure baby does not gash head while cruising around the house prior to the photo shoot.
10am- Parker goes down on schedule for what should be a 2 hour nap. (add one point)
10:15am- I iron his outfit, and decide I should probably brush my own hair and get dressed, and maybe even put some makeup on for a change, since I may be in a couple of the shots too. (add one point)
11:15am- Parker wakes up from his nap 45 minutes early. I find him standing up in his crib for the first time. (subtract one point). 
11:30am- I decide to feed him some peaches so that he won't be hungry during the shoot. I don't let him touch anything and feed him directly from the spoon this time. (add one point)
11:45 am-Somehow he still manages to get peaches in his hair (subtract one point). When looking at the back of his head, I notice that his hair is sticking out, so I grab the scissors to give him a trim (subtract two points). He is mad. And now his hair is uneven at the back. Luckily I remember that there is Photoshop.   
12:05 pm- I figure out that he will probably want to nurse exactly during the photo shoot, so I nurse him early. While nursing, Parker reaches up and smears all the makeup on the left side of my face. (subtract one point).  
12:15 pm- While changing Parker's diaper to leave, I realize the bottom button is missing off my shirt. This is doubly distressing because I am both concerned about my expansive muffin top and also nervous that the button is somewhere on the floor, posing a choking hazard. I begin looking haphazardly for the button. No dice. (subtract two points)
12:30pm- I load Parker in the car, and look in the rear view mirror, only to realize that my eyebrows look like they are in need of a lawn mower. Dammit. Hopefully these guys are good at photoshop.
12:35pm- I arrive ten minutes early and they add the extra time into my free shoot (add two points).    

The shoot went relatively well I think, though the proof will be in the proofs! We shall see!